Juliet Kuehnle is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, global speaker, and author. She is on a mission to end the stigma around going to therapy and to normalize & elevate dialogue around mental health. Follow her on Instagram @YepIGoToTherapy

As a global keynote speaker, Juliet can help you, your team, your colleagues, & your community feel less alone, less stressed, and less burned out. It's possible! Mental health is health. It’s okay to not be okay and we are all in this together.

Let an expert help you!

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Yep, I Go To Therapy Merch

We can say it loud and proud: Yep, I go to therapy! There is no shame in tending to our mental wellness and therapy is a major component of that. We can go to therapy when we're in crisis, for maintenance, or if we're simply curious about increasing self-awareness and improving relationships or mindfulness. There is never a wrong time and there are benefits for us all! A portion of all profits will go towards helping those in need access therapy.

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A portion of all profits in these collections will go to The Loveland Foundation

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We’re finally moving the needle. Let’s keep having the important and necessary conversations!

Let’s Talk About How I Can Support You