Coaching for Therapists or Other Helping Professionals
You want to work smarter, not harder. You want to make money, but not burn out. You have a vision for something bigger. You barely have time to finish your notes, but you have great ideas you want to execute!
Juliet has figured out how to do all of these things - let her help you!
Juliet has been a therapist for over twelve years. She has a team of 8 mental health therapists, a dietitian, and an integrative wellness provider. Sun Counseling & Wellness is a thriving self-pay practice with two locations! Juliet also hosts a podcast, sells custom therapy merchandise, is a freelance writer, frequently appears on TV as a mental health expert, published a book, and has a social media presence that consistently attracts new clients and expert opportunities.
Please check out the Media tab of this website to see Juliet in print and TV media to get a feel for her style and to help you understand how her commitment to mental health service will support YOU!

Let’s do this! It can be hard for us helpers to invest in ourselves. This decision on the front end will position you to diversify your income and have a better work/life balance (this IS a thing!) and have more aligned offerings for those you want to serve. We'll make it work for YOU and have fun doing it! Trying to grow does not have to be stressful; Juliet can help!
Want to hear the specifics on the packages?
You're curious. There's something stirring, telling you you're ready for more.
This might mean growing, simplifying, streamlining, delegating, recalibrating, balancing, risk-taking, and so much more.
Let Juliet help you come up with a plan.
Packages include Zoom meetings, audio communications, and emails to answer your questions and meet your specific needs, templates & resources, a shared folder, social media posts, personalized recommendations, a roadmap, & more!
Possible Coaching Topics
Brand Cohesion
Goals & Values
Resources & Templates
Staying heart-centered
Setting Fees
Expanding & Scaling
Is This Business Coaching For Me?
- I'm committed to stepping into my power, taking up space, and seeing my ideas come to fruition!
- I'm ready to unlearn old messaging and learn what it means to be a modern therapist/helper!
- I'm not prepared to put in the work to make change and growth happen.
- I want a quick fix.
- I'm looking for someone to give me the answers or do the work for me.
I'm ready to have a 60 minute call!
I'm ready to dive in! $300
This includes a detailed intake form, a 60-minute Zoom, and an individualized action plan. This amount can go toward a future package.